Change Log
Change Log

In order to assure a safe and fun environment for, the Louisiana Blaster League (hence ‘LABL‘) has devised a framework of rules. These rules shall be adhered to during all LABL events. Failure to abide by these rules and lead to ejection from the current and all future league events.

Section 1: Age Restrictions and Conduct
  1. LABL Events are not an “all ages” event. All attendees must meet the age requirement, or they will not be allowed to play
  2. Children under the age of 8 years old may not participate in a LABL event.
    a) Children Ages 8 – 14 years must be attended to by a Parent or Guardian during the event.
    b) Parents/Guardian must be present during the entire event, though they do not have to participate themselves.
  3. Children ages 14+ may attend and participate in LABL events without a Parent or Guardian present
  4. Attendees are expected to conduct themselves in a socially acceptable manner during LABL events.
  5. In order to maintain the good will of the community, common terminology to be used at LABL events during discussions
    – Any dart launching device is to be referred to as a Blaster, not a gun.
    – Ammunition is to be referred to as darts, rockets, shells, not bullets.
    – We do not “kill”, we make tags.
Section 2: Game Participation
  1. LABL events, like most NERF/Foam Flinging events across the world, operates on a variation of the game Tag. Once you are “tagged” by either approved ammunition or melee equipment, you are considered out, and must return to the designated “spawn” point for your team.
  2. All game tags are based on an honor system and game rules style cooperation.
  3. Melee Weapons (i.e. foam knives, swords, axes, maces) are not to be swung with excessive force
  4. Intentional Overtagging, continuing to make contact or firing after a tag has been called is prohibited.

For the purposes of these rules, the Louisiana Blaster League defines Equipment as any gear that would not fit into the category of Blaster, or Melee option. This includes any items of clothing or any item on person not used to make a tag.

Section 1: Eye Protection
  1. Eye Protection (read: EyePro, safety glasses, googles, etc) are to be worn at all times during rounds.
    a) If you do not have any eye personal eye protection, you may borrow a pair from the club armory. Please return them after use.
Section 2: Tactical Gear

While LABL currently has no blanket policy concerning what type gear that can be worn during events, except for mandatory eye protection, we must also abide by state and local ordinances.

  • The State of Louisiana restricts or bans the use of full head and face coverings in public parks, and by extension, they cannot be worn at LABL events.
  • While not prohibited, we discourage the use of all black tactical gear and outfits when coming to events. We encourage the wearing of bright colors in keeping with the fun and free nature and enjoyable spirit of the hobby.

In keeping with the spirit of the global foam flinging community, LABL refers to any foam launching device used to cause a tag as a Blaster. In order to assist in keeping the good will of the community, LABL has enacted several rules regarding blaster looks and performance. Failure to adhere to these rules can mean expulsion from LABL events, current and in the future.

Blasters are stratified into three distinct categories based on capabilities and ammo limitations. These categories are Pistol, Secondary and Primary.

Section 1: Blaster Appearence
  1. As per US Federal Law and Local Ordinances, all blasters are required to have a Orange colored tip.
    a) Failure to have a orange colored tip will prevent you from using the blaster in the event.
Section 2: Blaster Velocities
  1. The LABL has followed suit with the rest of the global foam flinging community to enact a velocity cap on blasters which can be used at our events. These velocities are measured in feet per second, and are limited for the safety of all participants.
    Player Vs Player with Under 14 (U14) ParticipantsMaximum Velocity of 150 FPS
    – General Player Vs Player, no U14 ParticipantsMaximum Velocity of 250 FPS
    All Player Vs Environment Maximum Velocity 300 FPS
  2. All Blasters will be Chronographed on a LABL approved Chronograph at each event. Any blaster with a five-shot average over the specified Maximum Velocity will not be allowed for that round.
  3. Once a blaster has been tested and verified, it may be demarcated with a LABL sticker along a seam line to reflect previous approval at future events, and that it has not been tampered with between events. Damage to the sticker will invalidate previous chronographic readings, and it will need to be retested prior to use.
    – If an attendee refuses the demarcating sticker, then the blaster will have to be re-chronographed at each future event.
    – Blasters can be requested to rechrono regardless of sticker presence on an event by event basis at board member discretion.
  4. Any blaster, at anytime, can become disallowed by a Board Member, even if meeting all other requirements due to safety concerns.
Section 3: Blaster Categories

Pistol Class
  1. Meets the ‘standardized’ silhouette of a grip with no other ‘handle’.
  2. Is a top-slide, thumb lever, break action, ring or t-pull springer, or semi-automatic flywheel mechanism.
  3. Has a 10-round maximum capacity.
    Exception: Blasters which use the new Slim-line Angled Talon magazines (Worker Nightengale magazines), but meet all the other requirements, will be allowed to run as a pistol, as long as the magazines do not contain more than ten loaded rounds.

Example: Hammershot, Jolt, Deuce Pro

Secondary Class
  1. This class contains no form factor restrictions, but have a maximum ammo capacity of eighteen rounds.

Examples: Super SPAMF, Adventure Force Spectrum, Aeon Pro, Worker Pheonix 2.0

Primary Class

There are no restrictions on the blasters of this category.
Shields (see Melee Section) counts as a Primary Class for purposes of a load out.

Examples: NERF Stampede, Worker Swift, Game Face Trion, Adventure Force Nexus Pro

Load Outs

LABL classifies a typical load-out as follows:
-1x Primary Class Blaster
-1x Secondary Class Blaster
-Unlimited Pistol Class Blasters

Ammunition for LABL events comes in a variety of form factors – from closed cell foam darts (NERF Elite Darts, Dart Zone Pro darts, etc) Rival balls, Rockets, Arrows and the ever-popular classic sock. Due to this, the Louisiana Blaster League stratifies foam ammunition into three categories: Light or Standard, Heavy and Ultra Heavy.

While we currently have no special rules regarding the current grades of ammunition, we will be playtesting such rules during 2023 for future inclusion.

Standard / Light Ammunition
  • Full and Half Length Foam Darts
  • Rival Foam Ball Rounds
Heavy Ammunition
  • Vortex Discs
  • Mega Foam Darts
  • MegaXL Foam Darts
  • Sock Bombs
  • Unspecified Ammo at Board Members discretion
Ultra Heavy Ammunition
  • Titan Missiles
  • – Demolisher Rockets

The Louisiana Blaster League is currently still evaluating the use of Latex Foam and other LARP class melee weapons at LABL events.

While not officially supported, use is allowed on a per case basis. If there is a question, please speak to a LABL Board Member at the event for approval.

  • Shields have a Maximum Size of 18″ x 24″ and must be bound by a soft foam edge for safety standards.
  • Shields can be judged Safe or Unsafe by board members on the day of first use, and will be demarcated as safe with a LABL sticker at that time.
  • Shields count as a Primary Class Blaster for purposes of the loadout.

In order to maintain transparency and accurate record keeping, the LABL includes his change log for historical purposes.

January 2023
  • Updated rules regarding Blasters, Melee Options and Shields.
  • Document formatting for legibility and ease of access.
  • Added rules documentations to LABL website.